Terms of using Olympus FV1200MPE

The Olympus FV1200MPE multiphoton laser scanning microscope in situated in SIME building Ravila 14b-111.

  1. Before using the microscope please contact first with Maarja Haugas (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for introductory instruction.
  2. To use the microscope or the analysis computer you need to book time for usage at online calendar (link below). Username and password for UT domain can be used for logging in to the microscope booking page.
  3. You can book the microscope maximally for 3 hours per day. In case longer time is needed, please confirm it with Maarja Haugas. If you cancel your reservation more than an hour before your booking starts, you will not be charged.
  4. To access the room 111, ask the key from the information secretary of SIME building.
  5. Please leave your outerwear in the entrance of the lab where you can also find some indoor shoes for public use. You may not enter the microscopy room with outer clothing and outdoor shoes.
  6. Do not enter the room with food or beverages.
  7. When entering the room, please make 3 steps on decontamination area (sticky matress on the floor) with both legs.
  8. There is a log-book next to the microscope, please fill it accordingly.
  9. When you have finished, please fill the log-book for how long the microscope was used and return the key. You’ll be charged only according to the time you actually used the device.
  10. Please clean up the place after finishing:
    1. When you used the 60 × oil objective, dampen the lens cleansing tissue with ethanol and wipe the objective 3 times in one direction.
    2. Please recycle your experiment waste yourself.
  11. In case of problems or errors (software, hardware), please contact Maarja Haugas or Kaarel Kurm.

There are user manuals with instructions and photos for each device (microscope, CO2 chamber, objectives). Before using the devices, please take care that you have read them through, and act accordingly.

In case you are bringing other people to the microscope room (students etc), please make sure they are familiar to the terms of using the microscope. 

If you find something not in order in the room (objective not cleaned etc), please inform Maarja Haugas or Kaarel Kurm. By that you support the good laboratory practice.

There is a surveillance camera in the room.


Maarja Haugas, Phd:
microscope information, instructions
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+372 553 5669
Kaarel Kurm, MSc:
technical information about the microscope
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+372 515 6950
Kadri Toome, MSc:
microscope information
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+372 5648 3748

Booking: microscope can be used only during the business days from 8AM until 4PM. To book, please write your full name and your PI's full name. 
For accessing the calendar please ask for an invitation from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.